Monday, November 21, 2011

Gratitude Giveaway from Elements of Chic

We are thankful...Our First Give Away!!

Last year we decided to join our creative forces and do some holiday decorating.  As we were working on decking halls and trimming trees, we talked about how great it would be to join our businesses of interior design and event planning.  It would be a natural fit we thought...and talked...and planned...and dreamed.  

And that is the short version of how several months, lots of work, excitement (and many a few glasses of wine) Elements of Chic came to be in March 2011.  We all know what a challenging time it is and that just makes us all the more appreciative of the support from our family, friends and clients.

Ssooo....we're going to do our first giveaway to say "THANK YOU" and show our gratitude. 

We've got a $25 gift card for Pier One in our hot little hands and would love to give it to someone...namely you.  It's easy to enter, nothing to buy...honest.  Just leave us a comment at the bottom of this blog post of one thing you are thankful for right now or go to our Elements of Chic Facebook page (just look to your right), "Like" our page and leave a comment there of one thing you are thankful for this year. If you want to ask your friends to 'like' our page that would be awesome too! The winner will be randomly chosen on Wednesday from the comments left by everyone.

 We'd love to see all that gratitude flowing out and know that it's flowing right back at you from us here at Elements of Chic.

Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!


Michele and Linda

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for my family, especially my three girls and wonderful husband!


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